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Hand In Your ClassWork
Note That:  
1. Your classwork filename must be like 20140310_作業題目_1030010168_林盈廷_01.doc (or docx).
2. Use underline _ as separator. No empty space.
3. Filename info match the pattern as follows: 日期_課堂作業題目_學號_姓名_版本.docx (or doc).
4. Remember to select your classwork file, and then click the "Upload" botton.
5. When you upload classwork file successfully, your will see "Upload Successfully."
6. Uploading same filename twice overwrites. If you want to, use version number!

Select Your ClassWork File :

Rdrp2p59ytlab 7655db150e1533d3d8b456d338ccf42ff4858b77d4df755b1e97b6dab4ac9035
Edifice 777x333 95dab07b294b68df6e997f2b8fff6b117fa516f195f155e1cd751b338b2cd47c

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Ying-Ting Lin, Ph. D., Associate Professor,
Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences,
Kaohsiung Medical University