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Ying-Ting Lin  |  Contact
UCSF Chimera & ChimeraX

UCSF Chimera:
Home Page: UCSF Chimera,
Tutorials: Index,
Galleries: Images, Animations,

UCSF Chimera Tutorials:
B-Factor Coloring: B-Factor Coloring
Electron Density Map:Density Display
Similar Binding Sites: Similar Binding Sites
Protein-Protein Interactions (I): Opened Interface
Ramachadran Plot: Ramachadran Plot
I Can Fly: I Can Fly

UCSF Chimera Installations:
Windows:chimera-1.14-win64.exe (from UCSF Chimera)
Mac:chimera-1.14-mac64.dmg (from UCSF Chimera)
Linux:chimera-1.14-linux_x86_64.bin (from UCSF Chimera)

UCSF ChimeraX:
Home Page: UCSF ChimeraX,
Index: Documentation, Tutorials,
Command Lines: Target Specification, Color Specification,

UCSF ChimeraX Installations:
Windows:ChimeraX-1.3.exe (from UCSF ChimeraX)
Mac:ChimeraX-1.3.dmg (from UCSF ChimeraX)
Linux:ucsf-chimerax_1.3ubuntu20.04_amd64.deb (from UCSF ChimeraX)

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Ying-Ting Lin, Ph. D., Associate Professor,
Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences,
Kaohsiung Medical University